While I was laying in bed, which is all I seem to do these days after my Hysterectomy ( I will cover that another time), I was thinking..
oh no is the collective thought here I'm sure. haha but seriously.
I was thinking not about the usual stuff like the kids fighting or what to make for dinner but just trying to find a good thought and something nice that made me smile I did manage to pull a few of those from my memory bank.
This one pertained to a conversation I once heard between a man and a woman years ago
Now I wasn't eavesdropping per say I just happened to hear and there are times I wonder about those two people.
I am pretty sure that this conversation that took place may have been one of my favorite things I can recall.,so I'm going to share it.
I heard this man say to the woman he was talking to that she looked very pretty that day and she brushed off his comment immediately with a put down of herself. ( of course I understand this as I do it myself when anyone tries to pay me a compliment lol)
He then said to her " Don't you know that you are beautiful? and I say that with all of my heart. You are!, on the inside and the outside. There is something about your kindness and caring and always giving of others that makes you that way. You have a beautiful smile and that smile carries right up to your eyes and you know it's real and that you are genuine"
She just sat there looking at him and he continued
"I will never tell you that you are hot or sexy any other of those words men use on women because you are not. I think calling a woman hot is only what you see on the outside and it's degrading to say those things to someone you love. I will always call you beautiful because it's your beauty that makes me love you with all my heart and that made me care for you so deeply"
She smiled at him and she said simply.
"thank you"
The look on her face after hearing this changed, it was like something inside her had changed, not that I think she suddenly felt beautiful but that maybe she felt respected by him. That she wasn't just a nice face and a good body but that she was being recognized for who she was on the inside. Even I got a little choked up at this point.
I am pretty sure if she wasn't already, she fell in love with him in that moment. He had her whole heart in his hands.
Now I often sit and wonder.. years later does he still feel that way about her, does he still think she's beautiful or did with time those sweet words and thoughts he had then fade?
Does she still feel beautiful and does he make her feel that way, does he ever tell her?
It got me then to thinking about how at the beginning of relationships and even the middle how so many things can be said that are so from the heart and pure and caring that fade over time.
Do people still put as much effort into staying in love with someone as they do falling in love in the first place.?
I guess I'd like to believe somewhere out there that man still thinks she is beautiful and that she still feels that way and that time has not let either of them forget why they fell in love in the first place.
:-) that story should put a smile on the face of everyone that reads it