Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Hello Tuesday.

Well.. it's Tuesday.. 
I haven't been blogging over the weekend was busy making work projects for myself and trying to sing.
Yesterday I will talk about.. dreaded Monday.. the day everyone loves to hate! 
Jamie and I decided to switch bank accounts.. ok, seems simple enough right? Open an account.. transfer all your money over, call up the people who have automatic withdraws and tell them the new info and carry on as usual.. *insert crickets chirping*  NOT!
Let me tell you what.. there are people that have absolutely NO business in customer service and they certainly do not make me feel confident that they should be anywhere near my mortgage, my car payment or any of my insurances life, home or otherwise.. These people are morons!
My final conversation of the day yesterday ended somewhat like this (as most did before it) 
Me: well Karen, how about since I already gave you all my information including the colour of my first pets last crap in my yard you still don't seem to want to take my word that I am who I say I am. So how about this? When my payment does not go through on Thursday you will end up calling me next Tuesday. at that point maybe we could then revisit the idea of you updating my banking information into your little computer on in your cubicle as then and only then may I actually be myself and not some random stranger who wants to pay my bills for me. Have a nice dayyyy" *click*
 This kind of thing annoys me. It takes one void cheque to set up all these money transfers in the first place and 14 pages of documents in triplicate signed in blood to change them.

Then I decided to "help" my husband understand that the way that the deck we are building's plans were set out were wrong.. they wouldn't work and have the effect that I desired as an end result.. well hello world war 14. 5 Hours later I decided someone else was going to help him with this deck .. and not me.. sooo I enlisted the help of yes, that's right my ex husband.. cause of all people he would be the logical choice. They both annoyed the shit out of me they may as well annoy the shit out of each other for awhile. You don't wanna play nice with me , this is what you will get! I hope they have a real fun time doing that.. I'll take pictures.

So I'm obsessed with Hells kitchen and Masterchef these days.. One cooking show that makes me think how did these people get this far? and I'm yelling at the tv as much as Ramsay is to another cooking show that reduces me to tears listing to these peoples back story. ok ok if I were on the show I could blame the onions, but there's no onions on my couch ( I pronounce like coach according to my bf sheila)

That said, I am looking at the clock and it's time to go to Hell.


Friday, 8 June 2012

Mommy really is a potty mouth and people should stop pushing my buttons

Well, I wasn't going to post today but decided maybe a small one would do.
Lets see.. Went to bed last night with a raging headache, thought the logical thing to do would be to sleep it off.. SLEEP?? really? whats that? I was up most of the night and finally at 4am I gave up on the whole deal.
What does one do at 4am you ask.. let me tell you.. think! Thinking is not always a good thing, Sometimes it lets you sit and reflect on conversations youve had, things you've done, things you have to do all the while drinking LOTS of coffee!
Once people were up I could start my day. so, I made some crafts and bought a pool, had a nap, talked to my best friend on the phone while her lunch was so rudely inturrpted ( like usual) by clients and her boss.. cause clearly lunch time is only for laywers.. not thier secretaries. ( well except his other one that he sleeps with).
I should tell you about my best friends. I will start with Sheila.. this is the one I talk to about everything and everyone.. did you just cringe? GOOD! you are probably on the list of people I talk shit about. You know how there were those mean girls in high school? yup.. we've been called those girls.. and we are! 
Sheila lives in West By God Virginia and thankfuly I have an amazing long distance plan.. I have several friends that live in the states.. but only maybe two I am allowed to call.
Sheila and I spend on average 3 hours a day on the phone. some of this time we watch tv, pinterest, facebook and listen to each others day and always manage to cheer the other up.
Sheila has 2 boys.. these boys I would let date my daughters.. oh wait.. they did date my daughters.. sigh.. sadly long distance relationships dont always work. do they?
Sheila lives with one of my other best friends.. we'll call him Jay, mostly cause that's his name. I call him other things.. only I can call him these things, except Sheila.
I suspect they will get married some day when Jay stops procrastinating.
This could be awhile.. he's the KING of it.
Sheila has hair I would die for and pretty green eyes and looks all sweet and innocent.together we are trouble but you can't help but laugh at us. When the words.. Oh hell no, come out of her  mouth.. you run for your life especially if its followed by.. 'mere a minit

So as I am tired my mind will just jump around now.. I found this cool little feature facebook has added to messenger, it tells you when someone had read your message.. I guess the days of pretending you didnt read it are gone.. thank you facebook for showing me who really doesnt want to answer me I'll make note of that when they try to talk to me :)

Burnt my hands trying to make dinner.. rarely do I burn dinner but I do in fact drop the whole pan on the floor screaming in pain as my fingers blister like a heel with a bad shoe. You know what they say.. 5 second rule... haha
I did try however to mow the lawn with my one hand that wasnt burnt, this proved difficult therefore rather than moving the 4 bikes out of the path.. yup.. I mowed around them.. oh well they shouldnt have left them there.

Oh well.. I just got really bored of typing with my left hand only and decided.. the end for today.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Day 1 an intro of sorts

True to my word I said I was going to restart a blog.. so why now do I sit here thinking.. "what do I type"?
So, I figure the best thing is for you to understand a bit about me and the purpose of this blog.
Twitter annoys me, and I would have to turn into one of those"update my status 50 times a day types" to get it all out.. and THAT is annoying as all get out.
So that leads us back to this.. my blog. My release!

I am a mom of 3 girls and a stepmother to one, not to be confused with her mother.. she has one of those and I like her enough to respect those boundaries. My children have names.. some I gave them, some they like to refer to themselves as.
I named them Laura, Selaira and Victoria ( you will also hear her referred to as Tootie)  Now, I have found they have other names too.. These would be "Not Me", "I didn't do it" and "I don't know" 
My girls are 18, 14 and 8. My stepdaughter Tracy is 26 and she blessed me with a grandson at the oh so old age of 34.. thats right.. 34! He calls me "G-ma" cause I'm too young to be called grandma.

I used to work outside the house.. you note I say outside the house because I tried to go back to work and the whole house fell apart.. it was chaos and well my job wasn't ideal so.. back at home I am where I belong...but all too often my husband likes to put his foot in it by trying to remind me "he had to work all day" 
This happened today actually after I spent hours redecorating a room and he had the stones when I complained about our youngest being a handful and saying he was lucky he gets to leave he came out with the zinger.. "yeah, I have to go and work"
REALLY!!!??? It got real quiet in the house for a minute or.. well actually till he left to go to his almighty job..right before he left I was sure to tell him "have a nice night I think I'll go sit on my a** and do nothing while you're working..." Pet peeve of mine.. people that think stay at home moms don't work.. BULL.. we work 24 hours a day and even when we sneak away for a vacation from them.. they call.. (ok, ok, or you call them)

In a nutshell this blog will be my craziness I live, the craziness I do, the craziness I cook, bake, paint, teach, and whatever suits my mood and well pretty much everything you didn't really care to know about me but will know anyhow..
I  will sign off for now as I have a birthday party here for Selaira in less than an hour and I am still covered in paint, food has not been made.. or bought from the store yet either.. so I better get my cape and tiara and run off to save the day!